This workshop has been dedicated to a land with an area of 2700 square meters by Ms. Ameneh Sadat Mohammad Seyedi and Mr. Challengranavesi.Then, with the efforts of Ms. Ameneh Sadat Mohammad Seyedi, its building with an area of 1300 square meters of infrastructure has been comprehensively built and equipped. This sewing production workshop is located in Khoy city with the necessary buildings and equipment, including 120 modern sewing machines with a capacity of 120 tailors per shift.Ms. Ameneh Sadat Mohammad Seyedi and Mr. Chelngarnavesi have donated it to the orphans under the auspices of the Etrat bootorab charity institute. In memory of their late mother, "Narges", support production workshop was called Narges and it should be registered to be used for education, employment and empowerment of orphan mothers. The benefits of this workshop are also used to support orphans under the auspices of the institute.At present, about 120 orphan mothers are working in this production workshop.Utilizing the experiences of this support and production workshop, the institute has planned to set up similar workshops in other provinces. In addition, in order to deal with coronavirus disease and in order to maintain the health and well-being of the people and providing the needs of the region, especially medical centers and medical staff, 'Narges' clothing production workshop has produced a standard mask. The center produces ten thousand ssmms masks daily in one shift.